You know, how you see the world and life IS a matter of perspective.
I joke to say that I feel like an aboriginal/indigenous person in the Amazon Rain Forest because
I am surrounded by trees. I like green. I love the sky. Good thing I do. . .
I stand on my back deck and this is what I see. What you do not know is that I am
aiming the lens straight down a very steep mountain. The River is straight down there.
We can not see it from here during green months unless we hike down.
I finished reading a couple of adventure biographies recently that are set in the Amazon and
the story of Stanley and Livingston in Africa. I love Isak Dineson because she lived and tried to
make a life in Kenya.
I guess I am truly a romantic at heart.
I love to read about a past time for the same reasons, I guess.
I am allergic to grass and trees. Pretty funny.
But all in all I love this life. I miss my walking buddy.
I guess this can be a very dangerous place. I am going to try very hard
to not be afraid and continue on as before.
I am having trouble finding my art spirit, right now.
Below is a photo I took this morning of things I have been doing recently, but I can not
work on this right now.
Georgia O'Keeffe is in the upper left corner. I love her too. She had an art
spirit like mine. The portrait is from a photo I found somewhere and I did the
thread painting of that. Kings X pieces are here, too;
This place is my King's X.
Thank you to those who have written to me about Jilly. I appreciate it very much that you care.
Hugs to everyone! |