"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Friday, July 13, 2018

Found This on Pinterest

With Wings Clipped - Goony Bird #2

A Snap of Her
She didn't know if she wanted
Bird on a Wire
Have her Wings Clipped

She has been, for sure, my constant companion in all spare time available. Sitting in a waiting room somewhere, I had a stack of yellow post-it notes in my bag calling to me to do something constructive. Naturally, I took the call literally and began to fold, as in origami. A perfect square, hmmm. now what can I do with that? Well, that was the beginning point of this piece. I wanted to fold a curved piece and so it went. The body of this bird is a square of fabric thread painting to dignify the folds. It is lined with hand died red silk. If you recall a while back I became re-interested in tassels from researching textiles from the silk road. I have been making these using contemporary fibers and beads, etc. It is interesting to try combinations of yarn and thread to see if I can come up with something I have not seen before. One thing is for sure, I set up nothing but difficult puzzles to solve. My dad was an engineer and he engineered EVERYTHING in our lives. I learned from him to solve problems this way. 
I dye and make felted objects and fabric now and then and dye my own fabrics with indigo and other dyes. Shibori is my favorite technique to use in the dyeing. I also love to smash flowers onto silk.
Magnolia Yarn  drapes over her.
See the tail shaped by folding?
So, I can say that I have  many items in my stash to inspire an idea I may have.
These birds are a design nightmare, sometimes. I have to figure out how to put the pieces together and how to make legs, for instance. I spend time wandering the isles at the local hardware store and you would be surprised at the things I find useful.

Tassels for Headress
Silk adornments for the neckline

Fiber Paining printed on organdy
pleated for a comb
Knitted Habu leggings.

I hope this post finds all of you well, I am enjoying the NO SNOW days this year. I try to post now and then but lately, I am just working and care-taking wonder.

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