"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Monday, February 15, 2010

Specialness - Is there such a word? If not, there should be!

There are many things which I see each day that mean so very much to me.
A am surrounded by many many objects of wonder. Things like artist books, by one person  whose work is in a museum in Washington, D.C. and little boxes within boxes and a rubber stamp fish on a stick called "Fish Stick" and beautiful hands in many colors encased in mylar plastic for coasters and,a doll made of hand-woven and knitted fabric, candle holders with female sculptures attached, and drawings and fabric collage pieces with large female godesses. These things remind me of a spirit that is with me. She is the maker of all the above. These things remind me of my very best friend. She lives far away. We are connected through space and time and she is the definition of specialness. And now I have a print of one of her photographs.
It is special just like her.
I hope all are lucky to have a friend such as this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my! I thought some of those things sounded familiar! I can't believe you still have the "fish stick". I still think that was too funny. Glad you reminded me of it. What a nice way to start my day! Thank you so much for thinking me special!


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