"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eco Colour Trouble/Play

India Flint's Book, Eco Colour, finally came in the mail last
week, the cover, which I just scanned into my computer is
My friend SaraMuse has been working with this book for a while.
Tantalizing images and words from her have been on my mind while
I have been so involved with the new school year and my classes,
painting the inside of my house, and working on interesting techniques
for my thread paintings.

Elderberry is mentioned in the book as a good source of color and this is
an image I snapped of an old old bush on the side of my very narrow road
which is a one way road with two way traffic high upon our mountain.
This shot  makes me think of a Monet painting.

This is a bit closer view. The problem is that this bush is on the edge of a very
steep incline and very high from where I can stand on the road.
I asked my husband if he might clip a clump of these elderberries so that I can
use them to dye some silk, which he readily agreed to do. He promptly left me
at home and took my beloved red pick-up truck with the ladder and some gloves
and a tree limb clipping tool. I expected him back, right away.
I waited, and waited, while I was preparing dinner for the three of us, and I
waited some more.
I was ready to drive the Jeep to where I knew he was to see if something bad
had happened.
About that time. . .

He backed down our driveway with all of this!

I said, "A clump," he heard, "All of it??"
We then stripped the clumps off of these limbs and put them into four kitchen
trash bags and then put them into our freezer because that is what
India said to do in her book. Now I am anxiously waiting for a day to use these
berries to dye some silk so that I can participate in the Found Stitched and Dyed
international sewing circle that India started on her blog.
I will follow SaraMuzes lead and visit some thrift stores for silk to reinvent,
re-use, and invigorate.

Next, I am after goldenrod and Black Walnuts!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How fun to have a supply of such things. We are so limited here in the hill country of Texas, but I am doing my best! I can hardly wait to see how the elderberry dye comes out!


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