"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Friday, December 10, 2010

Kindle Magnolia Handspun Bag and It was one of those days

Yesterday was ONE OF THOSE DAYS

It has been snowing for days

light fluffy snow

the kind I used to love to ski upon

You know I live on top of a mountain. . .

Sometimes it is hard to get off or on this mountain. . .

Sometimes we have to pull our groceries in a hard plastic swimming pool . . .

All the way on our gravel driveway. . .

No snowplow there. . .


There I was sitting in my down covered bed

working on the Magnolia Kindle Bag

and taking photographs because the SUN came out and was shining on my bed.

No Internet, either. . .but I did download Knitting in the Old Way

onto my Kindle.
At least that works. . .

I was probably one of the first one hundred to ever buy a Kindle

I collect books
I have so many books that we can never move!
I have discovered listening to books while I knit and do other fiber arts. . .

And I upload patterns onto my Kindle
I even make books.
I read books on my Kindle, too. . .
while I wait in Drs. offices when I take my mom. . .
which is very often. . .she lives with me and is elderly
I NEED a very good bag to carry this in. . .
something that is me. . .
Magnolia Fiber makes the most wonderful bag. . .
It is cushy and very pretty!

This came in the mail from Camilla~Bloom day before yesterday. . .

Isn't it luscious! This is for another squiggle mini-shawl. . .a gift for someone special.

It only takes one hank + Kid Silk Haze to make this. . .

OK now tomorrow I will show the finished Magnolia Kindle Bag complete with lining and straps. . .

Have a GREAT Weekend!


Roberta Warshaw said...

I very much enjoyed this post. (I like all your posts but this one struck home for me). A long time ago, I lived very far out in the country. We had to pull our groceries and water up to the house in sleds. (We had no running water). It was hard but so quiet and peaceful. We had no electricity either. And it was before the internet. I was very productive in my world of crafts, knitting, sewing (on a treadle).
Thanks for reminding me of a quieter time.

Neuroknitter said...

I've always thought a Kindle type of device would be awesome for carrying around all my pdf pattern files and knitting books...it would make traveling so much 'lighter'!!

I can't wait to see the new Kindle bag!!

Happy weekend!!

Magnolia Handspun said...

Beautiful- beautiful bag.
I am all about snow!
Are you making the basket on the side bar Bobbie-because my jaw dropped- it's so unique. I am delirious from all the creative work on your blog...so inspiring.
Glad you like the yarn.

Bobbie Casey said...

Camilla, yes I am making the basket and it is getting close to being finished.
Thanks for getting the yarn here so quickly!
I love it so much the colors are so yummy.


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