"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Friday, April 27, 2012

OCD and woe is me, not!

It is Friday morning, early early early, maybe too early to write about this. . .

I must tell you what I have been doing when I am not doing something else.

I have been knitting and ripping out and knitting and ripping out and knitting some more.

I think I have OCD for sure.

Only I know. You do not know what it is like being me.  Actually, it IS pretty fun being me, sometimes.
I get to be around wonderful teachers and children who are like a freshly erased blackboard, so fresh and so ready and so full of wonder. That is the best part of my life.

The worst part is when I am alone and trying to do something that does not want to be done.

They say that you are what you think. . .

I have mantras that I say to myself as I am working on something intensely and constantly, sometimes, they are not what I should say. . .to myself, I will leave that to your imagination.

But, the good part is the fascination I have with dots of color. I like Noro because it entertains my eyes and mind. I have too much Noro in my wardrobe because of that. Now, I am into another yarn. I think about this yarn and how it was dyed and why exactly  do artisans choose the color they choose and how they decide exactly how it is applied. It fascinates my eyes to see a stitch that it perfectly beautiful in itself become lively and even more interesting by which color comes up and what it does when next to another color. What makes me crazy is when I forget to pay attention to the stitch I am doing because I am so engrossed with just looking at the results. This is why I am ripping out.

The photography I have been doing lately is not great because it has been raining for days. The light is not good. I want to show you what I am seeing.

I am working on my own paper designs for origami and paper sculptures, too. I am supposed to give a lecture in a couple of weeks about my sculpture so that is what I SHOULD be working toward instead of knitting and ripping., I am into the Beyond Layers Class, too. I guess you already know about that if you are reading this blog.

Today, I am thinking that I am going to our historical corner drug store to order a LIME RICKEY which is so good to change the way I talk to myself. It is a reward if I will just be good.

I hope you all have a super duper great Friday. xoxox

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