"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Friday, May 18, 2012

Lightness of Being

I see us, two little  girls sitting on a handmade table just showing off our pretty dresses in the photograph that is stuck in my mind. Toeheads is what they called us, explorers of the whole world is what I thought of us, even though it was just our own back yard. She would catch honey bees in her hand and never get stung. She loves nature.

My best friend is my sister. Her nick name is Twirly, she loves to dance.

I always feel lonely, you know what I mean, like something is missing.
We live across the entire country from each  other. 
My sister is the beauty queen of the family. She won the most beautiful baby award. That started it.
She was homecoming queen, Miss whatever town, Songleader instead of Cheerleader, etc. You get the picture.
We have traveled all over the world together and have seen almost every Vermeer painting together.
Last week I wrote about mothers, today it is sisters.
I am tall and thin and she is short and very thin. She weighs 95 pounds. That is why I am writing this.
I would not want to miss the chance to tell the world about her. Even if it is just a little bit.
She is a breast cancer survivor.

She is getting lighter and lighter and lately I worry that she is going to just float away.

I throw out a string across the universe to tie her to me, just in case I need to pull her back to this verdant place we humans call home.
She makes me laugh.
She makes my cry.
Being near her makes  me whole.

I wish you all a very nice weekend. xoxoxo


Sweetpea said...

What a lucky sister your sister is...such kind words for, and about, her. I have no siblings and have always thought how lovely it would have been to have a *soulmate* kind of sister. And this photo is perfect here.

Shirley said...

The first place I go when I turn on my computer is to your blog. What a sweet and sincere writing of our very special sister relationship. It made me cry. I love you Bobbie and miss you. I think it is time for me to plan a trip to come and see you and Mom. We always have so much fun together no matter what we do or where we go. My feelings about you are mutual and I'm glad I am tied to you and I promise I will never let go if you promise me you will never let go. You are my BFF!


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