"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Part 4 Kool Aid and Shibori

You can stop where we were
or you may want to over dye
Just do the same thing with another color of Kool Aid

Here I am holding the fabric over the dye pot with blue

Here I am sprinkling some powdered Kool Aid onto the wet
previously dyed silk 

If you want you can leave part outside of dye bath and dye it that way
or I use two mason jars with  dye already mixed
and dip each end of the fabric inside
Then I microwave for 2 minutes and let it rest for a couple of minutes
and then repeat this until you have had it in the heat and dye
for about 10 minutes, or so.
Leave it to cool and exhaust the color.
Then hang it to dry

Finished fabric

another shot of same fabric

And yet another.

I hope this is clear to you
Enjoy yourself!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Thank you Bobbie x
I love the silk, colors and tutorials!


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