"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Bit Unclear

Last year I was told that they could not correct my vision anymore than it is.
Because I have a cataract on one eye.
You can imagine that I wanted it removed right away.
But no. . .
I must wait until it ripens?
What a funny word to use.
I bought a new camera and a macro lens.
When I want to know what something looks like 
up close with all of the magnificent detail
I hold my breath and shoot.. .
download  photo's onto my computer screen. . .
then I can see it...
every detail.

I spend much time being thankful for my eyesight.
The camera catches a moment in time
like when butterfly's flutter their wings
I see that with my eyes
my eyes do not capture that stop
in time.

How very strange the world can appear,

blending and breaking, far and near: 

friendly, a little bit unclear.

How good.



Victoria said...

I am very grateful for my eyesight, and with each passing, (and now bifocaled) year, I grow more thankful.

Your shots are beautiful.

Penny Berens said...

Me too, so very grateful for my eyesight because I risked loosing it a few years ago. Wonder if you should get a second opinion. My handy hubby has had both eyes operated on for cataracts and there was never any mention of waiting for "ripening".


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