"One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Friday, August 26, 2011

Oh You Are Going To Know About Why Copper Matters

I am here in my bed thinking about this day, feeling badly that I disobeyed my parents. Sometimes, I struggle to do the right things. Sometimes, I am afraid that if I just think about something it will then happen. My sis is in her bed in our room fast asleep. I know that she would not do this if it were not for me. Being an older sister is hard sometimes. We are as different as night and day, except that we both love an adventure. My dad always says that we should create our own excitement. Boy what would he think if he really knew what we are up to these days.
My favorite place in the whole world is on Tom Sawyers Island at Disneyland. Mom and Dad could just leave me there, forever. Well, not forever I guess. I am always afraid of Indian Joe. He is not real, that I know, sort of.
If we had our bikes with us when we were on the island maybe we could be safe because they are boy bikes.He might not be very interested in girls. I think reverie is the same thing as daydreaming which is what I am always getting in trouble for at my school. When I can't sleep I just lay here and think.
I am thinking about disappearing ink. Maybe if that person had written those letters with that then I wouldn't be ready to step inside that gate. I found one today, it blew over the fence. Now I want to go into there so much it almost hurts. You know how curiosity killed the cat? You know what happened to Pandora's box? My teacher said that we should think about this story. So, here I am talking to you. The problem is is that you can not reciprocate.(That is a new word my mom taught me) What am I going to do? I still think that is such a pretty color of green on the roof of that old house. I wonder if you do, too? What is the big deal with copper? I know my dad always stoops over in the middle of anyplace to pick up a penny. He says all the time the same old thing:  A penny saved. . .
That reminds me. . .I say all the time that somebody runs around like a chicken with it's head cut off. When I stop to think about it, what does that mean? I never saw a chicken with it's head cut off except when Mom is fixing that for dinner. It is deader than a door nail, see here I go again, now what does that mean?
On the playground the other day I took all the marbles which I won playing, "Hit It You Get It", the boys will not let me play, anymore. Besides that, they have the games they play on the i-phone. It is hard to be a real person playing real games, these days. It is a very good thing that I have my little sister to talk to and to listen.
When I get home from school the last thing I want to do is homework on my laptop, Saturdays we always go to the movies and I spend most of my time worrying about my homework. Do you hear me?
Now I am thinking about Lucille and her ancient mother. She has cracks all over her legs and that just creeps me out. She is a very nice old lady, though. She is teaching my sis and I how to embroider. If we make a mistake she makes us rip it out. I did one stitch about one hundred times before she says it is OK.
Once, my grandmother came to visit from across the country, we took her to Tijuana. She bought a leather purse. It was hand tooled, she told me so. I saw copper there, too. Lots of copper stuff all smeared with a thick car lubricant. That stuff got on my hands. I did not like the smell. It was like riding a bus and breathing diesel fuel. Anyway, I feel nauseated thinking of the man with the banjo and the smell of monkey grease. Tomorrow is another day, they say. So good night for now.


Unknown said...

I have actually seen a chicken running around with his head cut off!

Shirley said...

Love the stories, a lot of truth and many wonderful memories.


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